by ILABA | Jun 16, 2024 | Legislative Affairs
Resources and Helpful Links HB 4769 – The Illinois Behavior Analyst Licensing Act HB 5344 – Medicaid Coverage for Adaptive Behavior Services IDFPR – Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Practices. Among other responsibilities, IDFPR...
by ILABA | Jun 3, 2022 | Legislative Affairs
On May 27, 2022, Governor Pritzker signed HB4769, the Behavior Analyst Licensing Act. The bill had an immediate effective date; however, this does not mean BCBAs can now go get a license. The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) now has...
by ILABA | Jan 16, 2022 | Legislative Affairs
One of ILABA’s goals has been to achieve licensure in Illinois, something the association has been working on for almost a decade. Heading into 2022, the short term goal was to build relationships that would be the foundation for a licensure bill to pass in...
by ILABA | Jun 21, 2020 | Legislative Affairs
The Legislative Committee has continued to work diligently on the bill and feels confident moving forward with the latest revisions to the Bill. ILABA will host a Town Hall to discuss the proposal with ILABA members and non-members. The ILABA Legislative Committee...
by ILABA | Mar 21, 2019 | Legislative Affairs
HB5580 became HB2710, and there was a change of sponsors, Chief Sponsor, Rep. Kathleen Willis, and Co-Sponsor Rep. Deb Conroy. Reps. Willis and Conroy are committed to finding a path forward for our licensure bill. HB 2710 was assigned to the Health Care...
by ILABA | Oct 20, 2018 | Legislative Affairs
The Legislative Committee connected with various professional organizations to craft language in attempts to decrease the likelihood of opposition. Thus far, success was had collaborating with representatives from the IL state associations for psychologists,...